Figure 3.
Interleukin-8 transcriptional activity measured using an interleukin -8 luciferase assay in a stable THP-1-derived interleukin-8 reporter cell line. Interleukin-8 transcriptional activity is based on normalized stable luciferase orange luciferase activity (nSLO-LA), which was calculated as stable luciferase orange luciferase activity divided by stable luciferase red luciferase activity. Cells were treated with solvent only (n = 6, negative control), lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (n = 6, 100 ng/mL, positive control), or particulate matter collected on: April 7–20, 2012 (n = 6, 1 mg/mL); April 26–May 10, 2012 (n = 6, 1 mg/mL); April 8–22, 2013 (n = 6, 1 mg/mL); and April 30–May 13, 2013 (n = 6, 1 mg/mL). * p < 0.0001 for the comparison with particulate matter collected during April 7–20, 2012. § p < 0.005 for the comparison with PM collected during April 26–May 10, 2012.