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. 2015 Nov 27;6:1363. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.01363


A Selection of Lantibiotics and their Potential Therapeutic Applications.

Lantibiotic Commercially relevant targets In vivo tests Potential applications Reference
Nisin Gram positive bacteria Treatment of staphylococcal (including MRSA) and enterococcal infections. Treatment of bacterial mastitis. Oral hygiene, deodorants. Anti-cancer Mota-Meira et al., 2000; Brumfitt et al. (2002); Cotter et al. (2005); Piper et al., 2009b; Joo et al. (2012); Kamarajan et al. (2015)
Mersacidin MRSA VRE, C. difficile Treatment of staphylococcal (including MRSA) and enterococcal infections. Treatment of CDAD Niu and Neu (1991); Hoffmann et al. (2002); Appleyard et al. (2009)
Actagardine MRSA, VRE, C. difficile Treatment of staphylococcal (including MRSA) and enterococcal infections. Treatment of CDAD Hoffmann et al. (2002)
Deoxyactagardine/NVB302 C. difficile Treatment of C. difficile infections Dawson and Scott (2012)
Gallidermin/Epidermin Propionibacteria, Staphylococci, Streptococci Skin disorders including acne, eczema, folliculitis and impetigo Bonelli et al. (2006)
Pinensins Yeast/fungi Antifungal/yeast Mohr et al. (2015)
Planosporicin MRSA, VRE, Streptococci Treatment of staphylococcal (including MRSA) and enterococcal infections including VRE Castiglione et al. (2007)
Microbisporicin MRSA, VISA, VRE, C. difficile Treatment of staphylococcal (including MRSA and VISA) and enterococcal infections including VRE. Acne Castiglione et al. (2008)
Mutacin B-Ny266 Multi-drug resistant bacteria Treatment of multi-drug resistant bacteria including MRSA and VRE Mota-Meira et al., 2000
Lacticin 3147 Gram positive bacteria Treatment of bacterial mastitis. staphylococcal and enterococcal infections including VRE. Acne Galvin et al. (1999); Lawton et al. (2007); Piper et al. (2009b)
Salivaricin B Streptococci including S. pyogenes and S. sobrinus Treatment of streptococcal infections with emphasis on the causative agents of sore throats (caused mainly by S. pyogenes) and dental caries (caused in part by S. sobrinus). Tagg (2004); Wescombe et al. (2009)
Duramycin Increase chloride transport and fluid secretions Treatment of Cystic Fibrosis, ocular diseases and disorders Grasemann et al. (2007); Oliynyk et al. (2010)