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. 2015 Mar 27;19(4):1285–1292. doi: 10.1007/s11325-015-1161-7

Table 1.

Participants’ selection criteria

Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria

Males and females, ages 21–70

Able and willing to provide written informed consent

Diagnosis of chronic non-malignant pain (pain present for ≥6 months)

Stable regimen of opioids (oral, transdermal, and/or intravenous) for chronic pain for at least 4 weeks prior to study participation with a prescribed opioid dose equal to at least 100 mEq of morphine per 24 h

Agreement to undergo an in-lab Diagnostic polysomnography (PSG) demonstrating an AHI of at least 20 and CAI ≥10 events per h of sleep, OR at least 25 % of TST below 90 % SAO2 saturation and AHI ≥10

Agreement to undergo 3 full-night, in-lab PSGs on positive airway pressure therapy

Agreement to undergo breathalyzer testing prior to each PSG visit

Ability to provide reliable documentation of opioid medications (e.g., pharmacy records) as treatment for chronic pain for the previous 30 days

Willingness to undergo urine drug screening

Participation in other interventional, sleep, or pharmaceutical-related research studies within 30 days prior to giving consent

Workers with variable shift schedules

Previous treatment with positive airway pressure therapy within 90 days of providing consent

Participants with any conditions in which positive airway pressure is medically contraindicated

BMI >40

Unwilling to wear PAP

Any surgery involving the upper airway, eye, nose, sinuses, or middle ear within the last 90 days

Major or poorly managed medical or psychiatric condition that would interfere with the demands of the study, the use of positive airway pressure, or the ability to complete the study

Previous diagnosis of severe COPD with an FEV1 < 1 l or less than 50 % predicted

Presence of elevated arterial carbon dioxide levels while awake (PaCO2 ≥ 50 mmHg) due to intrinsic lung disease or neuromuscular or musculoskeletal disorders

Participants currently prescribed with 24-h oxygen therapy