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. 2015 Nov 28;7(11):405–414. doi: 10.4329/wjr.v7.i11.405

Table 4.

Estimated marginal means SE and CI of diffusion tensor imaging-derived tensor metrics (the effect of age was controlled at the value of 43.92 yr)

Tensor metric Healthy brains
Brains with GBM
Mean SE 95%CI
Mean SE 95%CI
Lower Upper Lower Upper
Cs 0.739511 0.009798 0.719577 0.759446 0.766043 0.007824 0.750126 0.781960
FA 0.290160 0.005721 0.278520 0.301799 0.255660 0.004568 0.246366 0.264954
RA 0.241025 0.008008 0.224734 0.257317 0.211498 0.006394 0.198490 0.224506
Cp 0.141366 0.007941 0.125210 0.157522 0.137961 0.006341 0.125061 0.150860
Cl 0.119041 0.003243 0.112443 0.125638 0.099495 0.002589 0.094227 0.104763
L 0.002287 0.000029 0.002227 0.002347 0.002103 0.000024 0.002055 0.002151
p 0.002122 0.000027 0.002068 0.002177 0.001946 0.000021 0.001903 0.001990
AD 0.001558 0.000020 0.001518 0.001598 0.001395 0.000016 0.001363 0.001426
MD 0.001225 0.000015 0.001194 0.001257 0.001124 0.000012 0.001099 0.001149
RD 0.001059 0.000015 0.001029 0.001089 0.000988 0.000012 0.000964 0.001012
q 0.000454 0.000011 0.000432 0.000476 0.000371 0.000009 0.000354 0.000389

MD: Mean diffusivity; FA: Fractional anisotropy; RA: Relative anisotropy; RD: Radial diffusivity; AD: Axial diffusivity; Cs: Spherical tensor; p: Pure isotropic diffusion; q: Pure anisotropic diffusion; L: Total magnitude of the diffusion tensor; Cl: Linear tensor; Cp: Planar tensor; GBM: Glioblastoma multiforme.