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. 2015 Nov 25;5(11):e010146. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010146

Table 1.

Variable definitions and units

Category Variable name Definition Scale Valid range/levels Units
Main exposure variable First PIP ever Occurrence of the first PIP ever experienced by a patient during his/her study eligibility period Dichotomous Yes or no 1 if PIP 0 if no PIP
Secondary exposure variable First criterion-specific PIP incidence density Number of instances of first PIP for each criterion experienced by a patient during his/her eligibility period divided by the duration of the study eligibility period in years (will be calculated separately for STOPP/START and Beers’ criteria). Continuous 0 to unlimited Counts/year
Primary outcome variable Time to any outcome Time between first PIP and first of ER visit, hospitalisation or death, occurring within the time window for ‘PIP relevant outcomes’ (usually up to 3 months after an instance of PIP, but may be longer for some criteria—see text for examples) Ordinal 0–90 Days
Secondary outcome variables Time to ER visit Time between first PIP and first ER visit Ordinal 0–90 Days
Time to hospitalisation Time between first PIP and first hospitalisation Ordinal 0–90 Days
Time to ADE Time to any diagnostic code for an ADE Ordinal 0–90 Days
Covariates Patient age Patient's age at time of first PIP Continuous 66–116 Years
Patient sex Patient's biological gender Dichotomous Male or female Male or female
Patient location Type of setting a patient lives in at time of PIP Dichotomous Long-term care vs community setting Long-term care vs community setting
Number of prescribers Number of prescribers who have issued prescriptions for a patient in year prior to the first PIP Continuous 1 to unlimited Count
Number of dispensing pharmacists Number of pharmacists from whom a patient obtained medication in the year prior to the first PIP Continuous 1 to unlimited Count
Polypharmacy Number of medications concurrently in use at time of prescription of a PIP Continuous 1 to unlimited Count
SES Socioeconomic quintile attributed to patient on the basis of his/her census data and postal code Ordinal Very low SES, low SES, middle SES, high SES, very high SES Quintile
Prior hospitalisations Number of hospital admissions experienced by a patient in the 12 months preceding a PIP Continuous 0 to unlimited Count
ER visit in past 6 months Number of visits made to the emergency room by a patient in the 6 months preceding a PIP Continuous 0 to unlimited Count
Comorbidities Deyo modification of Charlson Comorbidity Index for a patient calculated at the time of first PIP, if patient was hospitalised in the year prior to the first PIP; for patients who were not hospitalised, we will use the Johns Hopkins ADG score Continuous 0–32 NA
Acuity of prior hospitalisations Whether a hospitalisation occurring in the 12 months preceding a PIP was coded as ‘acute’ or not in the Discharge Abstract Database Dichotomous Acute vs other 1 if acute 0 if other
Discharge diagnosis Most responsible diagnosis for a hospitalisation occurring in the 12 months preceding a PIP as recorded in the Discharge Abstract Database Categorical ICD groups Diagnostic groups
Prescribing physician age Physician age Continuous 20 to ?? years
Prescribing physician sex Physician's biological gender Dichotomous Male or female Male or female
Prescribing physician year of graduation Physician year of graduation Ordinal 1945 to ?? Year (date)
Prescribing physician location Physician location of practice (rural vs urban) Dichotomous Rural vs urban 0 rural, 1 urban
Type of prescribing physician Type of physician prescribing a PIP for a given patient Dichotomous Specialist vs family physician Specialist or family MD

ADE, adverse drug event; ADG, Aggregated Diagnostic Group; ER, emergency room; ICD, International Classification of Disease; NA, not available; PIP, potentially inappropriate prescribing; SES, socioeconomic status.