Table 2.
Age-adjusted significance levels of selected outcomes with levels of perceived parental monitoring reported by young Black males.
Outcomes | P-value PM | P-value age |
Ever caused a pregnancy | .03 | < .0001 |
Currently someone pregnant with your child? | .15 | .001 |
Desire to have someone pregnant with your child | .55 | .001 |
Discussed pregnancy prevention with a partner (past 2 months) | < .001 | .71 |
Frequency of safer sex discussions with sex partners (past 2 months) | < .001 | .06 |
Discussed condom use with partner before having sex (past 2 months) | .002 | .99 |
“I use condoms to prevent pregnancy” | .08 | .31 |
Used condoms at last sex | .03 | .16 |
Any unprotected vaginal sex (past 2 months) | .30 | .06 |
Ever drunk or high while using condoms (past 2 months) | .29 | .72 |
Reported ever being diagnosed with an STI on more than one occasion | .20 | .006 |
Tested positive for Chlamydia and/or gonorrhea at study enrollment | .42 | .61 |
1. Parental monitoring scores ranged from 10 to 45; mean = 29.3, sd = 7.0.