Figure 1. Chromosome staining results: characteristics of the sSMC.
(a) Ideograms of chromosome 15 and the observed sSMC. (b) GTG banding. (c) FISH with probes for chromosome 15: centromere-specific (red) and subtelomeric (green), pointing to a lack of subtelomere region in the sSMC. (d) FISH with whole chromosome painting probes for chromosomes: 15 (green) and Y (red) (e) FISH with centromere-specific probe for chromosome 15 (red) and gene-specific probe for SMAD6 (15q22.31; green). (f) Acro-p FISH result showing two NOR regions on both ends of the sSMC. Displaying modes: inverted DAPI with the whole view of the metaphase plate and DAPI with close-up of chromosomes 15 and sSMC. (g) mFISH analysis showing that sSMC was structured from only chromosome 15 material. (h) aCGH image showing a 15q11.1-q11.2 gain of ~2323 Kb size with a log ratio of 0.547, indicating a one-copy amplification in the region, which indicates the content of the sSMC.