Benefits Offered Toward Donors
Presentation of Lifestyle Benefits of Compensation
Covers bills/tuition |
10.9% |
5 |
Fast/easy money |
6.5% |
3 |
Summer job |
2.2% |
1 |
Total value of multiple donations |
2.2% |
1 |
Imagine/possibilities |
13.0% |
6 |
Not lifestyle specific |
73.9% |
34 |
Use of Non-Monetary Benefits to Attract Donors
Emotional fulfillment |
71.7% |
33 |
Free medical exam |
4.3% |
2 |
Vacation with friend |
2.2% |
1 |
No added benefits |
28.3% |
13 |
Presentation of Financial Benefits of Compensation
Experience based |
56.5% |
26 |
Donor sets the amount |
34.8% |
16 |
Means of Building Trust with Potential Recipients
Sources of Credibility
Family testimony |
52.2% |
24 |
Founder’s personal experience |
47.8% |
22 |
Business press |
39.1% |
18 |
Emotional Themes Driving Site’s Graphic Design and Tone
Intimacy/Commitment |
17.4% |
8 |
Angels/Heaven/Grace/Fantasy |
13.0% |
6 |
Tranquility/Peace/Wellness |
8.7% |
4 |
Intelligence/Excellence/Success |
6.5% |
3 |
Joy/Love/Happiness |
6.5% |
3 |
Empowerment/Camaraderie |
6.5% |
3 |
No strong theme |
45.7% |
21 |
Market Segments Targeted
International/tourists |
28.3% |
13 |
Ethnicity |
10.9% |
5 |
Gay/Lesbian |
6.5% |
3 |
Religious |
6.5% |
3 |
No specific targeting |
63.0% |
29 |
Promotion of Trait Selection
Types of Messaging About Selecting Traits
Promotes aspirational traits available among donors |
34.8% |
16 |
Affirms ability to find the right “match”/”fit” |
56.5% |
26 |
Affirms ability to suit recipients’ “preferences”/”desires” |
19.6% |
9 |
Suggests design/customization of a child |
15.2% |
7 |
Does not discuss traits |
13.0% |
6 |
Types of Subjective Traits Specified
Interests/Hobbies/Likes |
63.0% |
29 |
Aspirations |
32.6% |
15 |
Temperament |
19.6% |
9 |
Childhood behavior/memories |
15.2% |
7 |
No mention |
34.8% |
16 |
Positioning of Typical Donor
Caring/Generous |
54.3% |
25 |
Smart/Successful/Beautiful |
39.1% |
18 |
Healthy/Responsible |
37.0% |
17 |
Other (e.g., Sweet/Wholesome) |
8.7% |
4 |
No specific positioning |
23.9% |
11 |
Means of Portraying Typical Donor
Letters/Quotes in the donor’s voice |
47.8% |
22 |
Lifestyle photography |
47.8% |
22 |
Beauty photography |
43.5% |
20 |
No portrayal |
17.4% |
8 |