Fig 4. Dimethyl fumarate reduced early axonal damage at the peak of EAN course.
(A) Representative photos of APP (amyloid precursor protein) staining for sciatic nerve transverse sections of rats (n = 6/group) treated with DMF 15mg/kg (b, e), 45mg/kg (c, f) and methylcellulose-treated animals (a, d), showing an reduction of APP positive cells for DMF-treated rats. Scale bars indicate 100μm for a-c and 50μm for d-f. (B) Mean numbers of APP positive cells per mm2 sciatic nerve sections as calculated by immunohistochemistry on day 16 p.i. from EAN rats (n = 6/group) receiving orally DMF at different doses (15mg/kg, 45mg/kg/day) and methylcellulose-treated rats. Mean values and SEM are depicted (*p<0,05). The experiment was repeated 2 times with similar results.