FIG 5.
CMRSV and IL-29 pretreatment attenuates RSV growth in WD-PBECs. WD-PBECs (n = 2 donors) were infected in duplicate with RSV BT2a (MOI ≈ 4) or mock infected. At 72 hpi, the basal medium of mock (CMCON)- or RSV-infected (CMRSV) cultures was transferred into the basal compartment of fresh cultures from the same individual donor. Twenty-four hours later, the cultures were infected with rA2-eGFP (MOI ≈ 0.1). (A) eGFP expression was quantified every 24 h by measuring the percentage of green pixels in three different microscopic fields. (B) Virus growth kinetics were determined by titrating rA2-eGFP in apical washes at 24-h intervals after infection. WD-PBECs (n = 2 to 3 donors) were pretreated with IL-29 (1 or 100 ng/ml). (C) Twenty-four hours later, the cultures were infected with RSV BT2a at MOI ≈ 0.01. WD-PBECS (n = 3 donors) were infected with RSV BT2a at an MOI of 0.01. (D) At 2 or 24 hpi, infected cultures were treated with IL-29 (100 ng/ml). The virus growth kinetics presented in panels C and D were determined by titrating RSV in apical washes every 24 h after infection. The data are presented as means ± the SEM log10 TCID50/ml. Areas under the curves were calculated and compared by using an unpaired Student t test. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01.