Figure 5.
Effect of storage of MVs isolated from heparin-anticoagulated plasma at 4 or −80°C for different periods. Impact on (A) MV counts and (B) size distribution, respectively. Representative histograms showing the impact of MV storage on MV counts vs. a control sample from a single individual are also presented (red lines, control; blue lines, experiment). Samples were stored at 4°C for (C) 3–4 days or (D) 1 week, and at −80°C for (E) 1 week or (F) 4 weeks. The control sample was collected and centrifuged immediately to isolate MVs, which were not stored. Data are expressed as the mean ± standard error of the mean. aNo significance; bP<0.05; cP<0.01. MV, microvesicle.