Sex of participants |
20 mothers |
Age of participants |
2 were 28 years old |
7 were between 30–35 years old |
8 were between 36–40 years old |
3 were between 41–45 years old |
How many children in the families? |
3 families had 1 children |
14 families had 2 children |
3 families had 3 children |
Employment of main caregivers |
15 housewife |
5 full time worker |
Who is/are the main caregiver(s) of the child(ren)? |
15 children were care by mothers |
1 child was cared by both father and working mother |
4 children were cared by grandmothers and working mothers. |
Education of main caregivers |
10 mothers received secondary school education |
10 mothers received tertiary education |
Monthly household income (HKD) |
1 was under 10,000 |
10 were 10,000–20,000 |
5 were 20,000–40,000 |
4 were over 40,000 |