Table 3. Results for Model Examining Relations between Composite Parenting Practice Variables and Child Externalizing Behavior.
Variable | β | SE |
Monitoring | −.30* | .13 |
Discipline | .34** | .11 |
Skill encouragement | −.40* | .19 |
Problem solving | .40* | .15 |
Positive involvement | −.07 | .18 |
Acculturative stress | .27* | .12 |
Child age | −.35** | .11 |
Child gendera | −.43 | .22 |
R2 | .50*** |
Note. Standardized betas for the continuous variables represent the standard deviation change in child externalizing behavior per standard deviation change in the predictor variable; the standardized beta for the binary variable represents the standard deviation change in child externalizing behavior when the binary variable changes from zero to one.
χ2 = 4.726 (p = .786, df = 8); CFI = 1.000; RMSEA < .001.
Child Gender: 0 = Male, 1 = Female.
p < .05.
p < .01.
p < .001.