Fig 4. The transcriptional network of the plant circadian clock.
Revised regulatory connections arising from this work are indicated by heavier lines. We add a novel, direct autoregulatory loop from LHY/CCA1 onto their own expression and we introduce a change in the sign of the regulation of PRR5, 7 and 9 transcription by LHY and CCA1. Furthermore, we show that the PRR5 gene is also down-regulated by LHY/CCA1. Each box indicates a gene. Pointed arrows indicate positive regulation and blunt arrows, transcriptional repression. Blue arrows represent regulation by LHY/CCA1, red arrows regulation by the evening complex (EC) and black arrows regulation by the PRRs and TOC1. Orange arrows indicate regulatory interactions between the PRR genes, and dashed arrows indicative positive regulation by the RVE, LNK or LWD proteins.