Spontaneous spike activity in M1 ipRGCs from OPN–EGFP retinal slices was modulated by SRIF and L-803,087. A, Representative trace of spontaneous spiking activity of a M1 ipRGC without (left) and with (right) the application of SRIF (100 nm). B, An example of a spontaneously spiking M1 ipRGC in absence (left) and presence (right) of L-803,087 (1 μm). C, The average waveform of spikes from M1 ipRGCs in control (gray), SRIF (red), and L-803,087 (blue). Insets show overlay of average waveforms in control with SRIF or L-803,087. Quantitative analysis of peak amplitude (D) and half-width (E) of spikes from M1 ipRGCs show no significant differences in the presence of SRIF or L-803,087. The interevent intervals (F) and spike frequency (G) significantly increased and decreased, respectively, in the presence of SRIF, L-803,087, and in combination with the D1 agonist SKF38393 (5 μm). *p < 0.05.