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. 2015 Oct 27;8(5):e3842. doi: 10.17795/ijcp-3842

Table 2. Correlation Between Survival and Patient, Tumor and Treatment Characteristicsa.

Variables No Mean OS, mon P Value No Mean EFS, mon P Value
Gender 0.785 0.425
Female 23 49 24 42
Male 80 55 81 48
Age, y 0.130 0.779
≤ 50 28 61 29 50
> 50 75 51 76 46
BMI classification 0.808 0.035
Bellow normal 13 46 13 26
Normal 61 56 62 51
Above normal 29 47 30 45
Primary tumor site 0.417 0.096
Larynx 57 59 58 54
Non-larynx 46 49 47 40
T-stage 0.039 0.742
T1/T2 56 59 57 48
T3/T4 46 47 47 45
N-stage 0.101 0.043
N0/N1 50 57 52 55
N2/N3 50 49 50 40
Treatment modality 0.930 0.654
Surgical 58 56 59 48
Non-surgical 38 54 39 50

aAbbreviations: BMI, body mass index; EFS, event free survival; N-stage, lymph node stage; OS, overall survival; T-stage, tumor stage.