Fig. 2.
Dystrophin protein expression as detected by IB 1 month after PMO injection. a IB of protein lysates from diaphragm, heart, gastrocnemius, quadriceps, tibialis anterior, and triceps in PMO-treated mdx mice (n = 6) vs. WT control shows variability of dystrophin expression between muscles in PMO-injected mdx mice. There is variation in the same muscles between different mice (across) and different muscles in the same individual mouse (down). WT samples were serially diluted to 3.125 μg for protein loading. Vinculin (117 kDa) was used as a loading control. Densitometric analysis was performed using Quantity One software. b Dystrophin quantification by IB, demonstrating the percentage dystrophin expression in PMO-injected mice vs. WT (set to 100 %). Plots show high variability between mice within a muscle group and between muscles. All the data are presented as mean percentages