Figure 4. Excitation fluence-dependent photoconductance.
(a,b) The dependence of the yield mobility product Φ∑μ transient decays on excitation photon fluence (I0) for excitation of the (a) S11 transition (black, red, green, blue, cyan, purple and grey: 3,470 × 1010, 1,030 × 1010, 584 × 1010, 197 × 1010, 70.0 × 1010, 22.3 × 1010 and 8.87 × 1010 photons per cm2, respectively) and (b) S22 transition (black, red, green, blue, cyan, purple and grey: 4,520 × 1010, 1,520 × 1010, 427 × 1010, 220 × 1010, 144 × 1010, 74.1 × 1010 and 7.41 × 1010 photons per cm2, respectively). (c,d) The peak of reflected microwave transients, ΔGmax (end of pulse), evincing the linearity of peak reflected transient signals below the absorbed photon density of approximately 0.8 photon per μm length of (7,5)-SWCNTs for both (c) S11 and (d) S22 transitions. The red solid lines represent a linear function. (e) Φ∑μ as a function of absorbed photon fluence for (7,5)-SWCNTs suspended in toluene with exciting at (blue) S22 or (red) S11 transitions, respectively. The top x axis corresponds to the absorbed photons per μm length of (7,5)-SWCNTs for given I0FA (bottom x axis).