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. 2015 Oct 15;5(11):e00407. doi: 10.1002/brb3.407

Table 3.

Significant main effects on current density and their interactions (in Italics) of stimulus–response combinations (StimRes), brain area (BA), hemisphere (Hem: Left vs. right cerebral hemisphere) and visual articulation clarity (VisArt), in response to first utterance in the pair during 4 time periods. Numbers in Italics (e.g. 42) designate the brain areas involved in the interaction by the Brodmann area roughly corresponding to them. Rt stands for Right, Lt—for Lt, Other represent all other conditions or brain areas, Cong is short for congruent auditory‐visual articulation, Incong—for auditory‐visual incongruence, McG+ stands for effective McGurk effect and McG− represents trials in which the McGurk effect did not affect perception. Stil indicates no articulation, Blur stands for blurred mouth and Ful represents full articulation in the visual display

P1c (30–70 msec) N1c (100–140 msec) P2c (170–200 msec) N2c(200–260 msec)
Stimulus–response McG− > Other F (6,48) = 6.89; P < 0.000001 McG− > Other F(6,48) = 10.59; P < 0.0000001 McG+ > Other F(6,108) = 21.8; P < 0.0000001 McG+, − > Other F(6,108) = 21.35; P < 0.000001
Brain area 42,7,21 > Other F (13,104) = 9.68; P < 0.0000001 42,7,21,19,22 > Other F(13,104) = 27.00; P < 0.0000001 42,40,7,21,19,22 > Other F(13,234) = 34.19; P < 0.0000001 42,7,21,19,22 > Other F(13,234) = 40.03; P < 0.000001
Hemisphere Lt > Rt F(1,8) = 5.72; P < 0.02 Lt > Rt F(1,18) = 24.98; P < 0.000001 Lt > Rt 42,40,22,21 F(1,18) = 18.22; P < 0.00003
StimResXBA Seea F (78,624) = 1.83; P < 0.00003
StimResXHem Lt > Rt (Cong/gi/) F(6,48) = 3.2; P < 0.0005 Lt > Rt McG+ F(6,108) = 2.51; P < 0.02
BAXHem Lt > Rt 21,22,40,42 F(13,104) = 1.90; P < 0.03 Lt > Rt; but Rt > Lt19,7 F(13,104) = 5.66; P < 0.0001 Lt > Rt 40,42,22,21; but Rt > Lt19 F(13,234) = 2.28; P < 0.006
Visual articulation Stil/gi/,McG− > Other F(8,120) = 13.00; P < 0.00001 Blur McG− > Other F(8,120) = 9.42; P < 0.00001
VisArtXHem Lt > Rt 21,22,40,42 F(13,195) = 4.72; P < 0.000001
VisArtXBA 22 to Stil/gi/ > Other F(104,1560) = 3.41; P < 0.0000001

7 > Other to McG‐; 42,45 > Other to Cong/gi/.