Figure 1. Morphology of C3As and HUVECs in mono- and co-culture.
Phase contrast images of (A) C3As cultured in MEME+ and EGM-2; (B), HUVECs cultured in MEME+ and EGM-2; or (C) C3A:HUVEC co-cultures in EGM-2 at an initial plating ratio of 1:1. (D) Fluorescence image of C3A:HUVEC co-cultures in EGM-2 stained with CD31 endothelial cell marker (green; identifies HUVECs), EpCAM epithelial cell marker (red; identifies C3A hepatocyte-like cells) and counterstained with DAPI (blue). Scale bars = 100 μm. (E) Flow cytometry analysis of disaggregated C3A:HUVEC co-cultures stained with CD31 endothelial cell marker and EpCAM epithelial cell marker, which showed average co-culture ratios of 37.3 ± 5.4% CD31+ endothelial cells and 56.6 ± 4.5% EpCAM+ hepatocyte-like cells, following three days of culture in EGM-2.