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. 2015 Dec 3;5:17672. doi: 10.1038/srep17672

Table 1. Correlation values between the model current at 5m depth and the drift data for the 2010 season.

  w/o t10 w t10
seabird drift (N = 976) 0.631 (0.309) 0.677 (0.292)
buoy drift (N = 124) 0.417 (0.466) 0.655 (0.381)
seabird drift modified by regressed value from wind (N = 976) 0.625 (0.310) 0.672 (0.293)

‘w/o’ (‘w’) means the data assimilation cases without (with) the seabird drift. Bold font denotes statistically significant correlation with a two-tailed P value < 0.05. Numerics in parentheses indicate RMSE in m s−1. ‘N’ indicates a number of each data.