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. 2015 Nov 1;9(11):VC06–VC09. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2015/14396.6803


Comparison of associated factors between participants with mobile phone dependence (MPD) and those without MPD

Items MPD
t- test/chi
square value
p value Odds Ratio
(95% CI)
Gender Male 92 159 8.382 0.0037 1.91
(1.23 - 2.99)
Female 38 126
Duration of mobile phone use < 3 years 107 262 8.387 0.0038 2.44
(1.31 – 4.55)
≥ 3 years 23 23
Type of Phone Smart 104 171 15.975 0.00006 2.66
(1.63 - 4.35)
Non-Smart 26 114
Average time spent on mobile phone per day (minutes) 199.8 ± 127.4 100.7± 102.5 8.445 < 0.001
Parental working status One parent working 100 201 1.742 0.4185
Both parents working 30 84
Family type Single parent 5 9 13.303 0.0012
Nuclear 90 240
Compound 35 36