Figure 2. Competitive fitness of SL1344RX relative to SL1344 under different growth conditions.
(a) Fitness of SL1344RX relative to SL1344 grown at 37˚C in a growth medium supplemented with 0 (N = 2), 86 (N = 2) or 172 (N = 3) mM NaCl. Relative fitness values above 1.0 for SL1344RX indicate greater fitness than SL1344; values below 1.0 indicate that SL1344RX is less fit than SL1344. (b) Fitness of SL1344RX relative to SL1344 at three growth temperatures: 25˚C, 37˚C and 42˚C (N = 3). Data points, their mean values and standard deviations are plotted for the biological replicates.