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. 2015 Dec 3;15:251. doi: 10.1186/s12883-015-0500-4

Table 3.

Regions-to-cerebellar ratio changes in relation to cobalamin replacement therapy

Frontal regions Temporal regions Parietal regions Thalamus Basal ganglia
Rt Lt Rt Lt Rt Lt Rt Lt Rt Lt
1 before .81 .77 .78 .82 .80 .76 .80 .78 .79 .75 .75 .71 .79 .78 .79 .79 .79 .80 .76 .75 .79 .72 .73 .68 .82 .82 .81 .74 .74 .74
.79 .79 .79 .74 .79 .79 .77 .71 .82 .74
1 after .79 .81 .81 .76 .76 .80 .89 .87 .88 .77 .77 .75 1.04 1.05 1.05 .95 .93 .91 .79 .78 .78 .72 .72 .72 .85 .84 .85 .74 .74 .74
.80 .77 .88 .76 1.05 .93 .78 .72 .85 .74
3 before .76 .80 .81 .80 .80 .76 .75 .75 .76 .76 .78 .81 .99 1.01 .99 .95 .95 .99 .73 .72 .73 .68 .68 .68 .96 .95 .96 .92 .93 .93
.79 .79 .75 .78 1.00 .96 .73 .68 .96 .93
3 after .92 .92 .90 .87 .87 .87 .92 .92 .93 .90 .86 .86 1.00 1.01 1.01 .96 .97 .98 .73 .73 .72 .74 .75 .75 .94 .94 .94 .93 .93 .92
.91 .87 .92 .87 1.01 .97 .73 .75 .94 .93
7 before .78 .80 .76 .79 .77 .77 .75 .75 .74 .75 .75 .73 .85 .87 .85 .84 .81 .83 .67 .69 .69 .69 .69 .70 .91 .92 .94 .93 .95 .93
.78 .78 .75 .74 .86 .83 .68 .69 .92 .94
7 after .88 .88 .82 .88 .86 .87 .81 .81 .81 .87 .84 .84 .85 .87 .88 .86 .87 .86 .80 .81 .80 .83 .82 .82 .84 .85 .86 .88 .88 .87
.86 .86 .81 .85 .87 .86 .80 .82 .85 .88
8 before .84 .88 .87 .90 .92 .88 .75 .70 .70 .79 .79 .79 .90 .89 .89 .92 .92 .93 .71 .69 .72 .79 .82 .75 .91 .90 .87 .96 .95 .96
.86 .90 .72 .79 .89 .92 .71 .79 .89 .96
8 after .93 .92 .94 .96 .96 .96 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.03 1.04 1.03 .95 .94 .95 1.02 1.01 .98 .86 .87 .86 .87 .87 .88 .90 .91 .91 .97 .97 .97
.92 .96 1.00 1.03 .95 1.00 .86 .87 .91 .97

Abbreviations: Rt right, Lt left; data were presented as ratio count from three consecutive slices (serif) followed by their average value (boldface)