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. 2015 Dec 2;14:489. doi: 10.1186/s12936-015-1017-4

Table 1.

Health facility and health worker readiness to implement ‘test and treat’ policy

Health facilities (N = 41) n %
Malaria diagnostic services
 Routinely providing malaria microscopy service 26 63.4
 Malaria microscopy service functional on survey days 20 48.8
 Malaria RDTs in stock 40 97.6
 Any functional diagnostics on survey days (microscopy or RDTs) 41 100
Anti-malarial medicines (non-expired)
 Artemether-lumefantrine (at least one pack in stock) 39 95.1
 Artemether-lumefantrine (all 4 packs in stock) 31 75.6
 Artesunate suppositories 30 73.2
 Artesunate injections 27 65.8
 Primaquine tablets 26 63.4
 Chloroquine tablets 40 97.6
 Quinine tablets 26 63.4
 Quinine injections 20 48.8
Health workers (N = 67) n %
Exposure to in-service training
 Trained how to perform RDTs 47 70.2
 Ever trained on malaria case management 40 59.7
 Trained on malaria case management since 2009a 36 53.7
 Trained on malaria case management since 2012a 21 31.3
Exposure to job aids
 Malaria treatment guideline 46 68.7
 RDT use job aid 47 70.2
Exposure to supportive supervision in past 6 months
 Any supervisory visit 49 73.1
 Malaria supervisory visit 45 67.2

aAll training since 2009 recommended AL and artesunate treatment while only training from 2012 recommended testing of all patients with fever and anti-malarial treatment of only test-positive results. Training prior to 2012 did not provide testing criteria and was ambiguous about interpretation of test-negative results