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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2015 Dec 3.
Published in final edited form as: J Health Soc Behav. 2014 Sep;55(3):320–341. doi: 10.1177/0022146514541446

Table 3.

Exponentiated Coefficients for Generalized Logit Model for Self-Assessed Activity Limitations1,2,3,4 – Stage 2 results

NOT LIMITED Coefficients
Age 1.003
Education 0.933***
Female 0.831***
Marital Status (Married/Partnership)
Divorced/Separated/Never married 1.114
Widowed 0.914
ln(Income) 0.950**
ln(Worth) 0.810*
Employed 0.610***
Ever depressed (yes/no) 1.232***
ADL limitations (yes/no) 1.876***
IADL limitations (yes/no) 2.311***
Constant 0.438***

ln(Symptoms) (Denmark) 3.085*** Interactions between Country and . . .
Chronic conditions (Denmark) 1.349*** ln (symptoms)5 Chronic Conditions6 Functional Limitations7
Functional Mobility Limitations (Denmark) 1.385***
Country (Denmark) Country (Denmark)
Austria 0.791 Austria 0.862 1.203* 1.124*
Germany 1.066 Germany 1.031 1.215** 0.955
Sweden 1.154 Sweden 1.360* 0.857** 0.997
Netherlands 1.229 Netherlands 1.235 0.985 1.001
Spain 0.499*** Spain 0.706* 0.955 0.939
Italy 0.443*** Italy 0.564*** 1.013 1.037
France 0.565*** France 0.836 0.903 1.052
Greece 0.323*** Greece 0.588** 1.016 0.982
Switzerland 0.919 Switzerland 0.774 0.865 1.116
Belgium 0.506*** Belgium 1.045 0.983 1.001

MODERATELY LIMITED (for nonproportional effects) Chronic conditions Functional Limitations
Netherlands 2.204***
Spain 0.134***
France 0.944
Belgium 0.718*
Female 0.576***
ln(Symptoms) (Denmark) 1.992*** Austria 0.916
Germany 0.900 1.129*
Constant 0.049***

R2 0.2806
Log pseudolikelihood −17695
N 25736







All models include control variables for survey design effects and calibrated individual weights.


We report robust standard errors that correct for both heteroskedasiticy and clustering (Froot, 1989; Rogers, 1993).


Bold-italics type indicates whether a specific coefficient is significantly different from the comparable shaded coefficient reported in the top panel.


The coefficients of variables that do not meet the proportionality assumption are shaded gray.


Coefficients in this column estimate differences between the given country and Denmark in the effect of ln(symptoms) on the odds of reporting some (moderate or severe) limitations versus none.


Coefficients in this column estimate differences between the given country and Denmark in the effect of Chronic conditions on the odds of reporting some (moderate or severe) limitations versus none.


Coefficients in this column estimate differences between the given country and Denmark in the effect of Functional Mobility Limitations on the odds of reporting some (moderate or severe) limitations versus none.