Figure 2. White noise heating paradigm.
(A) Example traces illustrating laser input and extracted behavioral parameters. A 5 s long example from the middle of one trial of one experiment is shown. Top panel shows the at-sample laser power (dashed red line) and the temperature calculated based on the heating model (solid black line). Middle panel shows instant speed profile of the larval zebrafish and bottom panel reveals changes in heading direction due to turns. Arrows indicate example swim parameters.
(B) Histogram of temperature values in each 40 ms timebin across all experiments.
(C) Autocorrelation of the temperature stimulus. Autocorrelation time is 960 ms.
(D) Cumulative distribution of interbout intervals across all experiments. The dashed black line is the cumulative distribution of inter-bout-intervals during resting, the solid red line depicts the cumulative distribution during laser stimulation. The rightward shift of the curve indicates a shortening of inter-bout-intervals during stimulation and hence an increase in bout frequency. (N = 88,349 bouts during resting and N = 241,433 bouts during stimulation phases).
(E) Cross correlation of power at sample and instantaneous speed at different indicated lags.
(F) Autocorrelation of bout starts (y-axis clipped at 4Ć10ā3). The autocorrelation trace is flat for ~ 80 ms around timepoint 0 because of a hard threshold in allowed minimal bout duration.
(EāF) Dotted black lines indicate 0 lag and 0 correlation respectively. Both correlations are derived from all stimulus trials of the same example fish as depicted in panel A.
See also Figure S2.