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. 2015 Dec;39(4):259–266. doi: 10.1152/advan.00107.2015

Table 1.

Homeostatically regulated variables typically found in undergraduate human physiology textbooks

Regulated Variable Normal Range or Value Sensor (Location If Known) Control Center (Location) Effectors Effector Response
Arterial Po2 75–100 mmHg Chemosensors (carotid bodies and aortic body) Brain stem Diaphragm and respiratory muscles Change breathing frequency and tidal volume
Arterial Pco2 34–45 mmHg Chemosensors (carotid bodies, aortic body, and the medulla) Brain stem Diaphragm and respiratory muscles Change breathing frequency and tidal volume
K+ concentration 3.5–5.0 meq/l Chemosensors (adrenal cortex) Adrenal cortex Kidneys Alter reabsorption/secretion of K+
Ca2+ concentration 4.3–5.3 meq/l (ionized) Chemosensors (parathyroid gland) Parathyroid gland Bone, kidney, and intestine Alter reabsorption of Ca2+, alter resorption/building of bone, and alter absorption of Ca2+
H+ concentration (pH) 35–45 nM (pH 7.35–7.45) Chemosensors (carotid bodies, aortic body, and floor of the fourth ventricle) Brain stem Diaphragm and respiratory muscles Change breathing frequency and tidal volume and change secretion/reabsorption of H+/bicarbonate ions
Chemosensors (kidney) Kidney Kidney
Blood glucose concentration 70–110 mg/dl Fed state: chemosensors (pancreas) Pancreas Liver, adipose tissue, and skeletal muscle Alter storage/metabolism/release of glucose and its related compounds
Fasting state: chemosensors (hypothalamus, pancreas) Hypothalamus
Core body temperature 98.6°F Thermosensors (hypothalamus, skin) Hypothalamus Blood vessels and sweat glands in the skin as well as skeletal muscles Change peripheral resistance, rate of sweat secretion rate, and shivering
Alter heat gains/losses
Mean arterial pressure 93 mmHg Mechanosensors (carotid sinus and aortic arch) Medulla Heart and blood vessels Alter heart rate, peripheral resistance, inotropic state of the heart, and venomotor tone
Blood volume (effective circulating volume) 5 liters Mechanosensors Medulla Heart Alter heart rate, peripheral resistance, and inotropic state of the heart
(Blood vessels: carotid bodies) Hypothalamus Blood vessels Alter Na+ and water reabsorption
(Heart: atria and ventricle) Atria Kidneys Alter water absorption
(Kidney: juxtaglomerular apparatus and renal afferent arterioles) Kidney Intestine
Blood osmolality 280–296 mosM/kg Osmosensors (hypothalamus) Hypothalamus Kidneys Alter water reabsorption

This table includes commonly found components of control systems involved in physiological regulation (i.e., homeostasis). This is not meant to be an exhaustive list but rather reflect the current understanding of homeostatically regulated variables that undergraduate physiology students should understand and be able to apply to problems (e.g., making predictions about responses to perturbations or explaining symptoms of disease).