Fig. 5. Human interest among IUCN categories for reef fishes.
(A) Box plots of the research effort (top) and public attention (bottom) among the four IUCN categories (TH comprising critically endangered, endangered, and vulnerable species; NE; DD; and LC including LC and near-threatened species). Letters indicate significant differences between the IUCN groups for both research effort (Dunn’s test P values are, respectively, P < 0.01 between TH and NE, P < 0.01 between TH and DD, P < 0.001 between TH and LC, and P < 0.001 between NE and LC) and public attention (Dunn’s test P values are, respectively, P < 0.05 between TH and DD, P < 0.001 TH and LC, and P < 0.001 between NE and LC). (B) Relationship between research effort and public attention for the species belonging to the four IUCN categories. The dashed ellipses represent 90% of the data (distance from the centroid). The horizontal and vertical dashed lines represent the 90% quantiles for both dimensions of human interest (computed on all species). For category TH, 12 species fit above the intersection of the two quantiles lines (6.3%); NE, 6 species (1.7%); DD, 4 species (5.7%); and LC, 89 species (4.9%). Examples of fishes are given within each subpanel. The drawings used to represent fishes were digitally created by N.M. and are CC0 1.0.