Figure 6.
Histologic (A, F) and immunohistochemical (B–E, G–H) staining of the right (OD) and left (OS) optic nerves from animal A1. (A) and (F), H&E; (B) and (G), SMI312 immunostaining of the whole optic nerve. There is a similar amount of damage in the two nerves, as indicated by an increase in cellular prominence and thickened fibrovascular septae in (A, F), and absence of SMI312 staining in outlined areas in (B, G). (C–E): Confocal analysis of post-ischemic regional demyelination and axonal loss in the ON seen in the area of (B), indicated by an asterisk. Demyelination (indicated by a dashed line) is seen as a loss of signal in the inferior region ([C] and merged, [E], which is coupled to the loss of intact SMI312(+) axons (seen in [D] and merged, [E]). (H–J): Confocal analysis of post-ischemic cellular inflammation associated with scarring in the area indicated by an asterisk in (G). Section analyzed with IBA-1 (inflammatory cells) and GFAP (scarring). Relatively intact area is superior to the dashed line. Activated amoeboid inflammatory cells are scattered throughout the lower region in (H), and are associated with the greatest GFAP signal ([I] and merged, [J]).