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. 2015 Nov 30;11:2975–2987. doi: 10.2147/NDT.S91126

Table 1.

Summary table of rTMS induced accidental seizures including the author, type of TMS, location, medications, risk factors, type of seizure, and diagnosis

ID Author Type of TMS Location Medication Risk factor Type of seizure Diagnosis
1 Chervyakov et al42 SP L-MC NR Pre-existing condition Secondarily generalized Stroke
2 Chervyakov et al42 HF R-MC NR Pre-existing condition Secondarily generalized Stroke
3 Chiramberro et al24 HF L-DLPFC SRT, OLZ, HDX High blood alcohol, multiple medications, over OLZ recommended dose Asymmetric twitching of both arms MDD
4 Bagati et al25 HF L-DLPFC PRX, DVF Multiple medications Generalized MDD
5 Hu et al26 HF L-PFC SRT Youth Generalized Adolescent onset MDD
6 Harel et al27 HF L-PFC Li No risk factors Generalized BD
7 Gomez et al28 HF R-MC CZX Pre-existing condition, frequent alcohol use (withdrawal) Jacksonian Stroke –MCA
8 Oberman and Pascual-leone39 cTBS L-MC None No risk factors Generalized Healthy
9 Sakkas et al30 HF R-PFC QTP, DZP, GP Multiple medications Jacksonian BD: Type I
10 Rosa et al29 HF L-MC NR Pre-existing condition Generalized Complex pain regional syndrome
11 Tharayil et al35 SP R-MC Li, CPZ Sleep deprived Generalized BD- current hypomania
12 Prikryl and Kucerova31 HF L-DLPFC NR Sleep deprived Generalized MDD
13 Bernabeu et al32 HF MC FLX Pre-existing condition, multiple medications Secondarily generalized Possible Traumatic Brain Injury
14 Conca et al33 HF L-DLPFC VFX, TZD, LOR, THR History of seizure Frontal lobe complex partial seizure Mixed depressive-anxious state, dependent personality, hypothyroid
15 Brogmus40 NR NR NR NR Secondarily generalized Hydrocephalus and chronic inflammatory CNS process
16 (NINDS) Wassermann23 HF MC NR NR Secondarily generalized Healthy
17 Wassermann et al34 HF L-PFC NR NR Generalized Healthy
18 Wassermann et al34 HF MC NR NR Generalized Healthy
19 Pascual-leone et al41 HF L-MC None Family history of seizures Generalized Healthy
20 Fauth et al36 SP MC NR Pre-existing condition Jacksonian Stroke
21 Kandler38 HF MC None Pre-existing condition Jacksonian Multiple sclerosis
22 Kandler38 HF MC None Pre-existing condition 2 generalized same day Multiple sclerosis
23 Homberg and Netz37 SP MC NR Pre-existing condition Generalized Large ischaemic scar after MCA infarction
24 Wassermann23 HF MC NR NR Partial motor Healthy
25 Pascual-Leone not published (reported Wasserman23) HF PFC AMT, HLD Investigators unaware of medications Secondary generalized Psychotic depression

Abbreviations: HF, High Frequency; SP, Single Pulse; cTBS, continuous theta burst stimulation; MC, Motor Cortex; PFC, Prefrontal cortex; DLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; L-, Left; R-, Right; MDD, Major Depressive Disorder; BD, Bipolar Depression; MCA, Middle Cerebral Artery; NR, Not Reported; AMT, Amitryptiline; CPZ, Chlorpromazine; CZX, Chlordiazepoxide; DVF, Desvenlafaxine; DZP, Diazepam; GP, Gabapentin; FLX, Fluoxetine; HLD, Haloperidol; HDX, Hydroxyzine; Li, Lithium; LOR, Lorazepam; OLZ, Olanzapine; PRX, paroxetine; QTP, Quetiapine; SRT, Sertraline; THR, Thyroxin; TZD, Trazodone; VFC, Venlafaxine.