The schedule of Lepidobatrachus laevis embryonic development (versus Xenopus laevis). Developmental trajectories from fertilization (Gosner stage 1; GS1) to early tadpole (GS22) were plotted for L. laevis (blue diamonds, 28°C) and X. laevis (black circles, 23°C). Data points for L. laevis were calculated from the average time to achieve the developmental milestones characteristic of each stage in at least three separate clutches of embryos from at least two different adult breeding pairs. Developmental timing of Xenopus laevis was plotted from published reports (Nieuwkoop and Faber, 1994). For clarity, stages are clustered into cleavage/blastula (pink), gastrula (green), neurula (yellow) and organogenesis (blue) phases. The dashed line at 30 hpf indicates a break in the x-axis, to accommodate the substantial difference (~50 hours) in the developmental schedule of the two species (at their respective optimal temperatures—note that both organisms develop at the same rate when raised at mutually permissive temperatures; see Figure 5). Gosner (GS) and Nieuwkoop and Faber (NF) stages are indicated.