Fig. 6.
Increased obsessive behavior and decreased social activity in Hbegf cKO mice. a-c Obsessive behavior evaluated by the marble burying (MB) test. a, The burying behavior was evaluated when 2/3 of a marble was buried in the bedding. b Representative pictures of the results of the MB test 30 min after the start of the experiment. c, Quantitative comparison of MB behavior. n = 9 (Control), n = 9 (cKO). d-f Social activity as evaluated by the nest building (NB) test. d, Representative pictures of the nest after overnight performance in a new cage. The arrow represents the unused materials. The asterisk represents the position where the mouse sleeps. Unused Nestlet materials were determined by weight: (e) and the 1–5 rating scale: (f) n = 4 (Control), n = 4 (cKO). g-m Impairment of maternal behavior in female Hbegf cKO mice. n = 5 (Control dams), n = 5 (cKO dams). g Lack of change in the numbers of primiparous mice. h Decreased number of surviving pups at 7 days after birth. i Representative pictures of the nest in terms of shredding beddings (arrow). j Representative pictures showing the lack of maternal retrieving. k Lack of intragastric breast milk in neglected pups of Hbegf cKO mice. The arrow indicates signs of intragastric breast milk. l Hypotrophy in the pups of Hbegf cKO dam mice. Representative picture of a mouse at postnatal day 4. m Survival ratio. The percentage of surviving pups was evaluated over 7 days. n = 48 (pups of control mouse), n = 48 (pups of cKO dam mouse). Values are the means ± s.e.m