Figure 6. RNF2 recruits and requires UTX and p300 for CCND2 activation.
(A) Relative occupancy of H3K27me3 on CCND2 and LTBP2 promoters in HMELBRAFV600E-EV and HMEL-BRAFV600E-RNF2WT cells. (B) Relative occupancy of UTX and p300 on CCND2 promoter. (C) Western blot showing co-immunoprecipitation of UTX upon immunoprecipitation of RNF2 (using anti-V5) from HMEL-BRAFV600E-EV and HMEL-BRAFV600E-RNF2WT cells. (D) Relative expression of CCND2, UTX and p300 in HMEL-BRAFV600E-EV and HMEL-BRAFV600E-RNF2WT cells upon control (shNT), Utx (shUtx) and p300 (shp300) knockdown. Asterisk denotes significant change t-test p < 0.05.