Fig. 6. TRPV4 Antagonist HC067047.
A. Dose response curves of TRPV4 antagonist HC067047 on rat hindpaw hypersensitivity HC067047 effectively alleviated mechanical hypersensitivity of rats with AHF pancreatitis in a dose dependent manner beginning at 0.5 hour and persisting for 3 hours. The 5 and 10 mg/kg doses effectively elevated the paw withdrawal threshold. B. Dose response curve of HC067047 on rat abdominal heat hypersensitivity. HC067047 also effectively prolonged the abdominal withdrawal latency (ABWL) response of the rats with AHF pancreatitis to heat stimulus in a dose dependent manner beginning at 0.5 hour and persisting for 3 hours. Effective doses of HC067047 were 5 and 10 mg/kg. C. HC067047 reduced nocifensive responses of AHF pancreatitis rats to noxious 44°C hotplate. HC067047 (10 mg/kg) prolonged the latency to first response and reduced the number of total hindpaw licking/guarding events of rats with AHF pancreatitis on the 44°C hotplate. The event/time curve of the drug treatment group had a significant right-ward shift (*p<0.05, two-way ANOVA, Bonferroni post-test).