Figure 1.
Axial multi-parametric images of the lower leg of a DMD patient: a fat-suppressed diffusion weighted SE-EPI image (b-value of 450 mm/s2) (a); a fat-suppressed SE-EPI image without diffusion weighting (b); T1-weighted image; (c) a 3-point Dixon water image; (d) the 7th echo of a multi-spin-echo image (TE: 56 ms); (e) and a representation of the masks created for the 6 lower leg muscles - medial and lateral head of gastrocnemius (GM, GL), soleus (SOL), anterior tibialis (TA), peroneus (PER) and posterior tibialis (TP)) (f). Note the complete suppression of the fat signal in (a) and (b), resulting from the use of the combined fat suppression method.