Figure 4. Representative FIB-SEM and TEM images of epitheliocysts from larvae 24 dph and 20 dph respectively.
(A,B) FIB-SEM images from a cyst 3D volume at cross and longitudinal planes showing bacterial size, orientation, shape and compactness. Bacteria are surrounded by a densely stained single membrane containing a dense homogeneous layer. The centres of the bacteria appear lighter with many pale vacuoles (arrow). (C) FIB-SEM image of dividing bacterium (arrow). Granular material is visible between the bacteria. (D) TEM image of a transverse section of 20 dph larva showing the edge of a cyst with bacteria cut lengthwise and in cross-section. Two amorphous bodies are also present (arrows). (E) FIB-SEM of two neighbouring cysts separated by a cyst boundary (arrow). This tissue presents involuted membranes, partially enveloping the bacteria. (F) FIB-SEM image showing a network of thin filaments between the bacteria. Scale bars represent: (A–C,F) 500 nm, (D,E) 1 μm.