Figure 1. Small-world properties of neonate resting state networks as a function of correlation threshold R.
(A) Group-averaged clustering coefficient for neonates, Cneo (black), and random networks, Crandom (red). Cneo is significantly greater than Crandom at all thresholds evaluated, p < 0.01, Bonferroni corrected (green asterisks). (B) Group-averaged characteristic path length for neonates, Lneo (black), and random networks, Lrandom (red). Lnet and Lrandom are not different (blue asterisks) at threshold range 0 < R < 0.175. Degree, k, and degree distribution, p(k), of neonate networks are preserved in random networks. (C) Small world index, SWI or σ (light blue). SWI > 1 (99% CI) for all thresholds tested. Also shown are normalized clustering coefficient (γ, black) and normalized characteristic path length (λ, red). Here, γ >> 1 and λ ≥ 1. Error bars are standard error of the mean (SEM).