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. 2015 May 26;2(3):127–136. doi: 10.1093/nop/npv010

Table 3.

Demographic, oncologic, and epileptic characteristics

Patient Sex Age at Diet Initiation (years) Carb Limit (grams/day) Tumor Type Tumor Location Prior Tumor Treatment Active Chemo During MAD Seizure Type Prior AED (no.) Active AEDs at Initiation
1 Male 30 20 AA L parietal Sx, XRT, TMZ None CPS 1 LEV
2 Female 54 20 Sec GBM L parietal Sx, XRT, TMZ TMZ, Bev CPS 5 LEV, PHT, LMT, KLO
3 Male 48 20 LGO L frontal Sx None SPS, CPS 3 LEV
4 Male 37 15 Rec GBM L temporal Sx, XRT, TMZ, Bev, ICT-107, Veliparib Bev, LBH589 GTC 1 LEV
5 Female 38 20 LGO L temporal Sx None GTC 1 None
6 Male 28 20 LGO L temporal Sx, TMZ TMZ GTC, SPS 6 PHT, TPM
7 Female 54 20 LGA L parietal Sx, XRT, TMZ None CPS, GTC 1 LEV
8 Female 43 20 GBM L frontal Sx, XRT, TMZ None CPS, GTC 5 LCM, VPA, LEV

Abbreviations: AA, anaplastic astrocytoma; AED, antiepileptic drug; BEV, bevacizumab; CPS, complex partial seizures; CZ, clonazepam; GBM, glioblastoma multiforme; GTC, generalized tonic-clinic seizures); LCM, lacosamide; LEV, levetiracetam; LGA, low-grade astrocytoma; LGO, low-grade oligodendroglioma; LMT, lamictal; no., number; PHT, phenytoin; SPS, simple partial seizures; Sx, surgery; TMZ, temozolomide; TPM, topamax; VPA, valproic acid; XRT, radiation therapy.