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. 2015 Nov 5;25(4):451–458. doi: 10.18865/ed.25.4.451

Table 2. Comparative descriptive statistics for diabetes diagnosis, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, Hispanic participants, 2005.

No self-report of diabetes diagnosis Self-reported diabetes diagnosis
Covariate Mean (SD) or n (%) Mean (SD) or n (%) Pb
Diabetes diagnosis 6781 (9.87%) 681 (9.13%)
Individual SES
Educational level <.001
Less than high schoola 1803 (88.64%) 231 (11.36%)
High school graduate 2049 (9.62%) 212 (9.38%)
Some college 1608 (91.57%) 148 (8.43%)
Graduated college 1321 (93.62%) 90 (6.38%)
Household income <.001
<$15,000a 1189 (85.05%) 209 (14.95%)
$15,000 to $25,000 2073 (91.20%) 200 (8.80%)
$25,000 to $35,000 1063 (92.76%) 83 (7.24%)
$35,000 to $50,000 908 (92.37%) 75 (7.63%)
>$50,000 1548 (93.14%) 114 (6.86%)
Employed <.001
Yes 4750 (93.95%) 306 (6.05%)
No 2031 (84.41%) 375 (15.59%)
Individual Controls
Body mass index 27.45 (5.61) 31.55 (7.47) <.001
Body mass index categories <.001
Underweight 99 (94.29%) 5 (5.71%)
Normal weighta 2268 (96.26%) 88 (3.74%)
Overweight 2659 (92.36%) 220 (7.64%)
Obese 1755 (82.70%) 367 (17.30%)
Smoker Status <.001
Current smokera 1216 (91.84%) 108 (8.16%)
Former smoker 1271 (85.53%) 215 (14.47%)
Never smoked 4294 (92.30%) 358 (7.70%)
Physical activity (minutes of moderate activity) 53.76 (73.07) 49.08 (77.72) .132
Insured <.001
Yes 4619 (89.58%) 537 (1.42%)
No 2162 (93.76%) 144 (6.24%)
Age 4.53 (14.52) 54.83 (13.62) <.001
Sex .619
Male 2682 (9.67%) 276 (9.33%)
Female 4099 (91.01%) 405 (8.99%)
Marital status .081
Never married, separated 2596 (9.14%) 284 (9.86%)
Cohabiting, marrieda 4185 (91.34%) 397 (8.66%)
Fruit and vegetable consumption .877
Less than 5 times per daya 5285 (9.90%) 529 (9.10%)
5 or more times per day 2596 (9.14%) 284 (9.86%)
General Health <.001
Excellent 1258 (97.67%) 30 (2.33%)
Very good 1707 (95.79%) 75 (4.21%)
Good 2377 (92.71%) 187 (7.29%)
Fair 1164 (83.14%) 236 (16.86%)
Poora 275 (64.25%) 153 (35.75%)

a. Indicates a category used as the base category for logistic regression.

b. Ps are from Chi-square test of association for categorical variables and from t-test for continuous variables.