All cells were grown to exponential phase in liquid YPD at 30°C. (A and B) The nuclei of indicated strains carrying HTB1-GFP (MY13817 and 13820) were examined by time lapse microscopy as described in Materials and methods. Representative images are shown at 20-min interval. (A) Sequential nuclear division is indicated by the number. For example, the nucleus #1 that had been just divided was segregated into two nuclei (1a and 1b) during the next round of cell cycle. Arrows indicate the daughter cells that emerge synchronously. Arrow heads show the nuclear division in mother cells. m, mother. d, daughter. (C) Indicated cells (MY8092, 12948 and MY13411) were stained with propidium iodide and their intensities were expressed in a histogram as described in Materials and methods. 10 μg/ml α-factor was treated to arrest cells in G1 with 1N DNA content. (D) elm1Δ fus3Δ (MY12948) were stained with FM4-64 to visualize the plasma membrane. Arrows indicate an intensive fluorescent accumulation, Spitzenkörper-like structure. Bar, 5 μm. (E) Indicated cells (MY13161 and 13264) were examined to visualize septin, Cdc3-mCherry. (A, B and E) Bar, 10 μm.