Table 2. Comparison of recovery patterns after discharge from compulsory treatment by gender using GEE (n = 466+).
Main effects of being female | Main effects of Time | Interaction effects of being female × Time | |
Negative consequences* after adjustment | OR = 0.811 CI:[0.715, 0.920] (p = 0.001) | OR = 1.004 CI:[1.002, 1.006] (p = 0.001) | OR = 0.994 CI:[0.991, 1.006] (p = 0.001) |
Negative consequences* without adjustment^ | OR = 0.807 CI:[0.719, 0.905] (p < 0.001) | OR = 1.004 CI:[1.002, 1.006] (p = 0.001) | OR = 0.994 CI:[0.991, 0.997] (p = 0.001) |
*Negative consequences: defined as having incarceration or readmission to compulsory treatment or both. ^Adjusted covariates: life-time history of mental disorders (anxiety disorder, mood disorders, and psychotic disorders), the life-time history of using illicit drugs other than heroin, the life-time history of borderline personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder, education, baseline employment status, baseline marriage status, age of onset of using heroin, baseline age, baseline dose of heroin use, baseline frequency of heroin use, and incarceration and compulsory treatment experience before baseline. +16 Death cases of total participants were excluded in the analysis. 21 cases were excluded automatically by Stata 12 due to missing data in covariates.