Figure 6. Observations made in murine CDX and PDX tumours were confirmed in patient tumour samples.
(a) A NSCLC tumour from a patient was obtained, sliced and cultivated on filters for 72 h following the standard workflow. After this time, induction of HIF1α was observed at the filter interface of the slice. This was coincident with increased cleaved caspase 3 (CC3) and γH2AX staining. Conversely, Ki67 positive cells were found at the air interface. (b) The induction of HIF1α at the filter interface was also observed in breast tumour slices prepared from samples of patient tumours. Slices from tumours 1 and 2 show a clear accumulation of HIF1α at the filter interface, while slices from tumour 3 did not develop an accumulation of HIF1α after 72 h. Scale bars represent 100 μm.