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. 2015 Dec 9;5:17187. doi: 10.1038/srep17187

Table 1. Summary of tested cultivation conditions and tumour models used.

Support System Oxygen Level Models Tested
Floating/Unsupported Low CDX: MCF-7, NCI-H1437PDX: lung cancer LXFA 1647 (Oncotest), prostate cancer PC295GEMM: Kras;Lkb1
Floating/Unsupported atmospheric
Millicell filter support, 0.4 μm pore, non adherent (Millipore, #PICM 0RG 50/#PICM01250) low
Millicell filter support, 0.4 μm pore, non-adherent (Millipore, #PICM 0RG 50/#PICM01250) atmospheric
Strata filter support, 5 μm pore, adherent (Reinnervate) atmospheric CDX: MCF-7
Polaris filter support, 0.5 μm pore, adherent (Reinnervate) atmospheric
Tissue slice incubation unit, titanium grids (Alabama Research and Development) atmospheric CDX: MCF-7PDX: prostate cancer PC295GEMM: Kras;Lkb1
Floating/Unsupported atmospheric Primary patient: ER+ breast tumours
Millicell filter support, 0.4 μm pore, non-adherent (Millipore, #PICM 0RG 50/#PICM01250) atmospheric Primary patient: ER+ breast tumours and NSCLC tumours
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