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. 2015 May 15;50(10):1241–1252. doi: 10.3109/00365521.2015.1038849

Table I.

Number and characteristics of the subjects in the IBD study [16].

  Ha UCb CDc UC-Ud CD-Ue
Subjects 20 37 7 44 19
Age, median years (range) 45 (19–71) 38 (19–72) 31 (20–41) 45 (21–71) 39 (20–61)
Female/Male 9/11 22/15 2/5 24/20 6/13
Duration of disease, median years (range) NAf 9 (0–40) 7 (1–12) 13 (0–40) 6 (0–28)
5-ASAg/sulphasalzine (%) 0 23 (62) 2 (29) 27 (61) 6 (32)
Systemic corticosteroids (%) 0 9 (26) 2 (29) 4 (9) 8 (42)

aHealthy, bUlcerative colitis, cCrohn’s disease, dUn-inflamed UC, eUn-inflamed CD, fNot applicable, g5-aminosalisylic acid.