Table 5. Effects of dilution and acidification on total P concentration in the undigested NaOH fraction of soil samples determined by ICP-OES.
†Soil series are: Am: Amarillo, Ba: Barnes, Br: Brazil, Cl: Clarion, Co: Cordova, Es: Esthervile, Fa: Fargo, Fo: Formdale, Hu: Hubbard, Le: Lester, Mt: Mt. Carroll, Ni: Nicollet, No: Normania, Pe: Pella, Pu: Pullman, Ra: Randall, Se: Seaton, St: Storden, Wa: Walter, Zi: Zimmerman.
‡Means for a soil series followed by the different letters within filtration and dilution are significantly different (P < 0.05).