Figure 7.
Comparison of visual-responsive cells in STS, visual-dominant cells in the ventrolateral frontal cortex, and mirror neurons in the ventrolateral frontal cortex. (A) Time course of normalized activity of neuronal population for 30 visual-responsive multiunits in STS, 35 visual-dominant multiunits in the ventrolateral frontal cortex, and 27 mirror neurons in the ventrolateral frontal cortex. Normalized responses of the multiunits for the preferred reaching direction when an experimenter grasped a piece of banana with his/her hand (blue), a piece of bun with his/her hand (red), a piece of banana with a pair of forceps (green), and he/she mimed to reach and grasp as if there was a piece of food (purple). The responses were aligned at the moment when the experimenter or animal touched the food. (B) Response magnitudes of visual-responsive cells in STS (green), visual-dominant cells in the ventrolateral frontal cortex (red), and mirror neurons in the ventrolateral frontal cortex (blue) for each grasping action type. Error bars indicate standard error of the mean.