DOX release behavior from the thermal treated silk-vaterite microspheres: (a) pH= 7.4, (b) pH= 4.5, (c) the drug release behaviors from blend silk-vaterite microspheres at pH of 4.5 and (d) the total drug release behaviors from different microsphere systems at pH of 4.5. The samples were as follows: M-0, DOX-loaded M-0 microspheres; M-300, DOX-loaded M-300 microspheres; M-305, DOX-loaded M-305 microspheres; M-310, DOX-loaded M-310 microspheres; M-0/M-300, DOX-loaded blend microspheres composed of M-0 and M-300 at weight ratio of 1:1; M-300/M-305, DOX-loaded blend microspheres composed of M-300 and M-305 at weight ratio of 1:1; and M-305/M-310, DOX-loaded blend microspheres composed of M-305 and M-310 at weight ratio of 1:1. All the release measurements were repeated in triplicate.