VEGF mediates the reversal of cardiac hypertrophy by BMSCs. (A): BMSC transplantation or VEGF treatment reduces heart size in hypertrophic rats induced by ISO. The data were obtained from five rats from each group. (B): Typical examples of cross-sections of ventricular myocardium with H&E staining showing the normalization of enlarged cell surface area by BMSC transplantation or VEGF injection in ISO-treated rats (at least 10 randomly selected fields in three separate experiments). (C): Reprehensive echocardiography image from ISO-treated hearts with BMSCs, BMSC VEGF siRNA, or VEGF. (D, E): Reduction of the heart/body weight ratio and improvement of cardiac structure and diastolic function by BMSCs or VEGF in ISO-treated rats. The data were obtained from five rats from each group. Top: representative images of echocardiogram. Bottom: normalization of echocardiographic parameters LVPWd and IVSd by BMSCs or VEGF. ∗, p < .05 versus ISO; #, p < .05 versus ISO+BMSCs; +, p < .05 versus ISO+BMSCs+VEGF siRNA. Abbreviations: BMSC, bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell; ISO, isoproterenol; H&E, hematoxylin & eosin; IVSd, interventricular septal thickness at diastole; LVPWd, left ventricular posterior wall dimension; siRNA, small interfering RNA; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor.