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. 2015 Oct 5;4(4):433–458. doi: 10.1007/s40121-015-0092-8

Table 2.

Adverse events associated with parenteral use of fosfomycin in individual trials

References Trial design FOM
Patients’ gender and age
FOM dosing regimen FOM total dose COMP
No of events (%)
COMP AE n (%)
Andaker et al. [15] Prospective randomized controlleda N = 259

F and M; mean age 67 years

Prophylaxis of infection after colorectal surgery

FOM IV 8 g + metronidazole 1 g once and FOM 8 g 8 h later 16 g

N = 258

Doxycycline + metronidazole once

5% (12/259)

Death 2% (5/259)

Urticaria/purpura 1% (3/259)

Nausea 1% (3/259)

Thrombophlebitis 0.5% (1/259)

4% (11/258)

Death 2% (5/259)

Urticaria 1% (2/258)

Nausea 0.5% (1/258) Leucopenia 0.5% (1/258)

Vaginitis 0.5% (1/258)

Pulmonary edema 0.5% (1/258)

Ishizaka et al. [13] Prospective randomized controlled N = 101

F and M >20 years

Prevention of infection after urological surgery

FOM IV 2 g once + 2 g twice daily × 3 days

Follow-up 14 days

14 g

N = 101

Cefotiam × 4 days

3 (3%)

Eosinophilia—2 (2%)

Elevated LDH—1 (1%)

6 (6%)

Eosinophilia—2 (2%)

Elevated LDH—1 (1%)

Elevated GTP—1 (1%)

GI disorders—2 (2%)

Nohr et al. [10] Prospective randomized controlled N = 84

F and M 24–90 years

Prophylaxis of infection after colorectal surgery

FOM IV 8 g + metronidazole 1 g once 8 g

N = 88

Bacitracin + neomycin × 2 days + metronidazole and ampicillin once

2 (2%)

Rash—1 (1%)

GI disorders—1 (1%)

7 (8%)

Rash—1 (1%)

GI disorders—6 (7%)

Chareancholvanich [14] Prospective randomized controlled N = 56

F and M 57–86 years

Prevention of surgical infection after elective total knee arthroplasty

FOM IV 2 g 12 h apart

Follow-up 6 months

4 g

N = 56

Cefuroxime, 3 g total divided in 3 doses q 8 h

0% (0/56) 0% (0/56)
Sirijatuphat and Thamlikitkul [17] Prospective randomized controlled N = 47

F and M 31–96 years

Treatment of carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii infection including pneumonia (79%), primary bacteremia, UTI, cIAI, SSI

FOM IV 4 g every 12 h plus colistin at 5 mg of colistin base activity/kg × median duration 12 days (range 3–14) 56–168 g

N = 47

Colistin at 5 mg of colistin base activity/kg × median duration 12 days (range 3–56)

28-days all cause mortality 46.8%

AKI- 53.4%

Abnormal liver tests 12.8%

28-days all cause mortality 57.4%


Abnormal liver tests 12.8%

Lindhagen et al. [16] Prospective randomized controlled N = 30 Prophylaxis of infection after elective colorectal surgery FOM 2 g + metronidazole 0.5 g Q6 h × 3 days for the total dose of FOM of 32 g and metronidazole of 8 g 32 g

N = 28

Cephalotin + metronidazole × 3 days for the total dose of cephalotin of 32 g and metronidazole of 8 g

0% (0/30) 0% (0/28)
Nissen et al. [12] Prospective randomized controlled N = 17

F and M ≥ 18 years of age

Mean age 57 years

Pneumonia requiring mechanical ventilation in 22 out 32 patients

FOM IV 4 g every 8 h + AMP 1 g q 6 h

Mean treatment duration 5.5 days

About 180 g

N = 15

Gentamicin 80 mg every 8 h + AMP 1 g q 6 h

Peripheral phlebitis—2 (12%)

“mild transient” AST elevation—1 (6%)

Pontiki et al. [31] Prospective non-comparative N = 66

F and M 56.7 ± 17.2 years (age ± SD)

Infections due to resistant pathogens including primary bacteremia (n = 18), VAP (n = 14), CR-BSI (n = 7), cIAI, UTI, meningitis.

FOM IV + colisitin (n = 32), tigecycline (n = 19), gentamicin (n = 15), meropenem (n = 12), and piperacillin-tazobactam (n = 4) for median duration of 14 days (IQR 8–17 days) at a median dose 24 g/day (IQR 16–24 g/day) About 336 g NA

Hypokalemia 10 (15.2%)

Renal toxicity 3 (4.5%)

Thrombocytopenia 4 (6%)

Diarrhea 2 (3%)

Rash 1 (1.5%)

Neutropenia 1 (1.5%)

Meissner et al. [20] Prospective non-comparative N = 60

F and M 17–78 years

Chronic post-traumatic osteomyelitis

FOM IV 10 g once, then 5 g 3 times daily

Mean duration 13.9 days (5–28)

50–420 g NA

Peripheral phlebitis—7 (12%)

GI disorders—4 (7%)

Exanthema—2 (3%)

Stengel et al. [21] Prospective non-comparative N = 52

F and M ≥18 years; mean age 63 years

DFI with high risk of major amputation

FOM IV 8-24 g × 14 days (range 3–40) in combination with carbapenems and other β-lactams, quinolones, clindamycin Varied NA Nausea and rash—4 (8%) NA
Rio et al. [32] Prospective non-comparative N = 16 Rescue therapy for MRSA bacteremia or infective endocarditis (n = 12)

FOM IV 2 g every 6 h plus imipenem 1 g every 6 h

Median duration 28 days (range 4–75)

48–900 g NA

Deaths—5 (31%); 1 death due to sodium overload, hypernatremia and acute renal failure was considered FOM related


Sodium overload—3

Portier et al. [18] Prospective non-comparative N = 16

8 days–73 years (five children aged 8 days 14 years)

Meningitis (3); bone and joint infections (6); persistent bacteremia (7)

IV 50 mg/kg 3–4 times daily for 11–21 days in combination with cefotaxime 25 mg/kg 3–4 times daily About 115–295 g NA

Neutropenia—3 (19%) (not specified)

AST increase—1 (6%) (not specified)

Mirakhur et al. [19] Prospective non-comparative N = 15

F and M mean age 23 years (18–37)

Pulmonary exacerbations of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in patient with cystic fibrosis

FOM IV 5 g three times daily

Mean course length

16.6 days (7–36); mean 2 courses per patient (range 1–3),

FOM given in combination with

1–2 other intravenous antibacterial drugs

Varied NA Nausea—1 (7%) NA
Michalopoulos et al. [22] Prospective non-comparative N = 11


Carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae infections: VAP, BSI, UTI, and wound infection

FOM IV 2–4 g every 6 h × 14 ± 5.6 days in combination with colistin, gentamicin, or piperacillin/tazobactam 72–320 g NA 0 (0%) NA
Hernandez Casado [26] Retrospective non-comparative N = 99

M and F 7–74 years (No. of children is not reported)

At risk of bone fracture infection or established osteomyelitis

N = 39

IV 8–16 g × 4 days, then IM 2–8 g × 2–6 days, then PO 2–4 g × 2–6 days

N = 60 IM or PO, doses are not specified

Varied NA Rash—1 (1%) NA
Florent et al. [23] Retrospective non-comparative N = 72

M and F 55 ± 19 years

Infections of bone and joint (n = 33); CNS (n = 11); ear and sinus (n = 9); UTI (n = 9); bacteremia (n = 5); SSTI (n = 4); pneumonia (n = 1)

FOM IV 12 g a day in 86% of cases with a median duration of 11 days; co-administered with another antibacterial in all cases About 132 g NA

27 (38%)

Hypokalemia—19 (26%)

Injection site pain—3 (4%)

Heart failure—2 (3%)

Hypertension—2 (3%)

ALT elevated—1 (1.4%)

Gallardo et al. [28] Retrospective non-comparative N = 33

M and F 10–79 years

cIAI (n = 29)

SSI (n = 4e)

IM/IV 4–6 daily × 5 days in the cIAI (n = 29) group and IM 3–6 daily (n = 4) in the SSI group


18–30 g

Historical control; but no safety data are reported for the control Petechial rash—1 (3%) Not reported
Ruiz Garcia et al. [30] Retrospective non-comparative N = 31

Females 16–39 years


FOM IM 4 g/day (N = 29)

FOM IV 8–12 g/day (N = 2) for 7 days

28–84 g NA 0 NA
Hutzler et al. [24] Retrospective non-comparative N = 30

M and F 4–77 years

UTI (n = 13), pneumonia (n = 14), osteomyelitis (n = 2), septicemia (n = 1)

IM or PO

2–8 g daily (100–230 mg/kg/day) divided in 4 doses given every 6 h × 5–58 days

20–200 g NA

Pain at the injection site 1 (3%)

Transaminase elevation—2 (7%)

Eosinophilia—1 (3%)

Menendez et al. [27] Retrospective non-comparative N = 27

M and F 11–80 years

Pneumonia and bronchitis

Parenterally N = 19

PO N = 8 (calcum salt)

4–12 g daily for 1–2 weeks;

28–168 g NA

Rash—1 (4%)

Diarrhea—1 (4%)

 Corti et al. [11] Retrospective comparative

N = 70

FOM (23)


Children <16 years of age acute hematogenous osteomyelitis

IV 200 mg/kg daily

Mean duration 2.5–3 weeks


N = 33

Flucloxacillin, amoxicillin, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, clindamycin



Diarrhea—1 (4%)

Leucopenia —0c


Exanthema—10 (21%)

Diarrhea—1 (2%)

Leucopenia—1 (2%)

Exanthema—14 (42%)

Diarrhea—7 (21%)

Leucopenia—3 (9%)c

 Baquero et al. [29] Retrospective non-comparative N = 26 (number of treatments in 24 patients)

F and M Serratia marcescens bacteremia

Children; 22 out of 24 were <1 year including 11 <1 month

IV 75 mg/kg every 6 h for 2–4 weeks, FOM alone (n = 6), in combination with gentamicin (n = 18) and carbenicillin (2)f Varied NA 0—“no significant side effects” NA
 Llorens et al. [25] Retrospective non-comparative N = 24

Children of 11 months to 12 years

Pneumonia, empyema, bronchitis

200 mg/kg/day given in 4 injections every 6 h; IV—10, IM—14; co-administered with ampicillin in 1 case

Duration 4–23 days

Varied NA

Transient “slight” transaminase elevation—6 (25%)—resolved without stopping FOM

Nicolau syndrome—1 (4%)d


AC amoxicillin clavulanate, AE adverse events, AKI acute kidney injury, ALP alkaline phosphatase, ALT alanine aminotransferase, AMP ampicillin, AST aspartate aminotransferase, BSI bloodstream infection, CA cefuroxime axetil, cIAI complicated intra-abdominal infection, CNS central nervous system, COMP comparator, CR-BSI catheter-related bloodstream infection, CTX cotrimoxazole, DFI diabetic foot infection, F female, FOM fosfomycin, F-up follow-up, GI gastrointestinal, GTP γ-guanosine triphosphate, IM intramuscularly, IQR interquartile range, IV intravenously, LDH lactate dehydrogenase, M male, MRSA methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, NA not applicable, PO orally, SSTI skin and soft tissue infection, TID three times daily, TMP trimethoprim, UTI urinary tract infection, VAP ventilator-associated pneumonia

aIncluding blinded and open label trials

bFOM+ fosfomycin was combined with flucloxacillin (38), amoxicillin (2), amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (4), clindamycin (2), and with gentamicin (1)

cLeucopenia was defined as a leukocyte count <1G/l

dNicolau syndrome—necrosis of the skin and underlying tissues at the site on intramuscular injection

eAdditional 21 patients received FOM orally

fPatients could receive more than one course of treatment